Test Hive - Places Built by Geniuses.
Earn coins by creating or taking online exams on any topic. Once you've collected enough coins, use them to buy virtual items to build your place.
Here's How It Works
Earn Coins
Accumulate coins by either taking or creating tests. You receive coins for each correct answer when you take a test, and you earn one coin each time someone takes a test you've created.
Purchase Raw Materials and Land
Use your earned virtual coins to acquire essential raw materials like bricks, steel, sand, and land.
Start Building Your Place
Once you have land and raw materials, construct your dream place using the additional virtual coins you earn.
Run Your Place
Congratulations, you're now the proud owner of your own place, and you can continue expanding it further.
Explore Unique Test Topics
Science Fiction and Technology
Test friends on their knowledge of futuristic technology and concepts from science fiction literature and films.
Ethical Dilemmas in Philosophy
Create a test that explores various ethical dilemmas and asks friends to analyse and provide solutions based on different philosophical perspectives.
Musical History and Evolution
Assess friends' understanding of the history and evolution of different music genres and their impact on society and culture.
Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology
Assess friends' understanding of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and their implications for finance and beyond.
Join the Hive
Join the Hive and Bee Part of Something Extraordinary!